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Schedule - Fall 2024

This course follows a Tuesday/Thursday schedule. There is a section for each day, with materials for that day. This schedule is subject to change before a class is held.

Schedule Archives: Fall 2020 Fall 2021 Winter 2022 Fall 2023

System Setup

  1. Basic Bash
  2. Install Anaconda Python
  3. Install Jupyter notebooks
  4. Using Python

Day 00 - 10/01

Class Material

Intro Slides

  1. Python Scripts [Example Script] [Download Example]
  2. Python Basics

  3. Basic Containers and Packages


Day 01 - 10/03


Class Material

  1. Functions in Python
  2. Recursion
  3. Bits, Bytes, and Numbers
  4. Asymptotic notation


Day 02 - 10/08

Class Material

  1. Decorators
  2. Vectorization, numpy ufuncs, numba
  3. Memory layout


Day 03 - 10/10


Class Material

  1. Dense Linear Algebra If you don’t have much prior experience with matrix factorizations, it is highly recommended to go through the exercises in the notebook.
  2. Python Objects, OOP


Day 04 - 10/15


Class Material

  1. SciPy BLAS and LAPACK Interfaces
  2. Modules and Packages [GitHub repository]
  3. Convergence of Algorithms
  4. Root Finding


Day 05 - 10/22

Class Material

  1. Linear operators
  2. Sparse matrix formats, scipy.sparse
  3. Sparse Linear Algebra (We’ll start if there is time)




Day 06 - 10/24

Class material

  1. Sparse Linear Algebra (Continued)
  2. Differentiation


Day 07 - 10/29


Class material

  1. Initial Value Problems
  2. Unit testing
  3. Sympy


Day 08 - 10/21

Class material

  1. More on Plotting
  2. Interpolation
  3. Integration, Quadrature


Day 09 - 11/05


Class material

  1. Integration, Quadrature (continued)
  2. Python Iterators and Generators
  3. Condition numbers


Day 10 - 11/07

Class material

  1. Agent-based modeling
  2. Optimization

Day 11 - 11/12


Class Material

  1. Pandas
  2. Scikit Learn

Day 12 - 11/14

Class Material

  1. Distances
  2. Nearest Neighbor Queries
  3. Dimensionality Reduction, Plotly

Day 13 - 11/19


Class Material

  1. Dimensionality Reduction, Plotly (continued)
  2. Linear Algebra in PyTorch
  3. Basic Neural Networks in PyTorch

Project checkpoint - 11/20

Day 14 - 11/21

  1. Scipy distributions
  2. Monte Carlo Methods
  3. Introduction to Fourier methods

Day 15 - 12/03

Class Material

  1. Writing feedback
  2. Introduction to Fourier methods

Day 16 - 12/05

  1. Boundary Value Problems
  2. Fast Multipole Method


Groups finalized 10/21.

Project proposal due 11/5.

Midterm checkpoint due 11/20.

Final Project report due 12/12.

Finals Period

College reading period is 12/7-12/9